Medicinal Mushrooms

Learn how to create your own potent and tasty medicinal mushroom preparations!

If you’ve been through a shop update with me, you know that my herbal products sell out FAST. 

Even more specific – my medicinal mushroom products sell out within minutes. The last update I sold through several dozens of these products in TWO MINUTES. 

One of the details that make my Reishi, Lion’s Mane, Turkey Tail and other mushroom extracts so popular is my unique extraction method which allows for four different methods of extraction that allows for extra potency and incredible flavour.  

You can’t get the same amount of potency from a mushroom powder or a single extract mushroom tincture.  You need a minimum double extraction for a well-rounded tincture, but I go above and beyond double extraction in my method.

Medicinal mushrooms work best over time, and in some cases, like with cancer treatments or recovery, the dosage needed is quite high, and so it can be risky to have to wait from shop update to shop update, crossing your fingers that you will be one of the lucky ones who snag the amount you need for the month, only to do it all over again next month.

So, I’ve decided to open up a major opportunity to learn from me personally on *ALL THINGS MEDICINAL MUSHROOMS*, including a demo of my extraction methods so that you can make your own at home!

No more:

-Waiting for restocks and hoping that you can get one before they’re gone

-Feverishly refreshing the page praying that your kids stay occupied for a minute so you can *finally* get your hands on some this time

-Having to choose between sharing your precious stash with yourself or your friends and family who need it

-Spending lots of money on supplements that might not even be high quality (many medicinal mushrooms products are expensive, and aren’t even full potency)

After learning from me, you’ll be able to make your very own extra potent, mushroom medicines that taste GOOD from the comfort of your home and can share them with others in your life.

Join me for the Medicinal Mushrooms Workshop!

In this workshop:

  • We’ll go over the medicinal properties of each mushroom I work with including: Reishi, Turkey Tail, Lion’s Mane, and a *bonus* dive on Tremella mushrooms.

  • I am going to give you a full demo on the extraction processes that I use—and explain why so that you can confidently use them in your apothecary

  • I’ll share what to look for when purchasing mushroom powders, and how to make the cheaper ones more effective

  • You’ll get my resource list for where I source my mushrooms and supplies from 

  • You’ll receive herbal monographs with detailed info about each mushroom discussed


I’m giving you FULL permission to use my exclusive recipes for both personal use AND in your own business (and these extraction methods can work to increase potency for other herbs as well), and, I’m also going to add you to my personal list of “makers” who use my method so I can gladly send people your way whenever I’m sold out!

Meet the Herbalist

Hi! I am Arielle.

Medicinal Mushrooms were one of the first categories of herbalism to really inspire me. I began experimenting with different formulations and methods of preparations right away.

Through a combination of trial and error and relentless studying, I finally perfected the recipe that I not only use every day, but also sell in my apothecary, and it can’t stay in my shop for more than two minutes before it sells out!

I am excited to share with you my passion for a category of herbal medicine that is often commodified and used without the reverence and respect that it deserves!

The more of us out there forming a relationship with medicinal mushrooms, the better, and I want to help you do just that, whether you are a mom growing a reishi baby, a friend who wants to support a family member with cancer, on an herbalist with her own apothecary—this workshop is for you!

Even though they’ve been used all over the world for centuries, medicinal mushrooms are having a major moment, for so many good reasons, which means most of your friends, family, and patrons already know the benefits and are probably using a mushroom supplement—so why shouldn’t they be purchasing them from you?

The potency and flavour of my formula will have you making back your investment (and more) right away once your products make it into the hands of your friends, family, and patrons!

If you are new to the magic of medicinal mushrooms, they have been used to:

-Promote overall vitality

-Support the immune system

-Support our body’s ability to handle stress

-Grow a famous “reishi baby”

-Calm inflammation in the body

-Replenish the body after illness

-Support & protect the brain

-Protect the body from cancer (antitumour)

-and more!

What’s Included:

  • Lifetime access to a workshop on the medicinal properties of 3 major medicinal mushrooms: Reishi, Turkey Tail, and Lion’s Mane mushrooms.

  • My personal formulas that I use to make my medicinal mushroom products in my apothecary

  • A full demo on the extraction process I use

  • Detailed herbal monograph PDFs

  • Full permission to use my recipes/methods both personally AND professionally in your business.

  • An invitation to be on my personal referral list of “makers” to send to my community whenever I’m sold out and they’re on the hunt for mushrooms!

  • My resource list for sourcing high quality medicinal mushrooms and what to look for

  • An open Q+A where you’ll get your personal answers on all things mushrooms & methods answered

  • *Bonus* How to formulate your own herbal coffee blend

  • *Bonus* Tremella mushroom—learn about this mushroom and how it’s used to promote natural beauty internally and topically

SUZANNE, Loomis Hill Botanics

“This is the workshop to take if you want to make highly extracted, nutrient dense medicine. It’s been a game changer for me. Arielle explains her recipes simply. They are easy to learn, and the information is easily digestible. My preparation quality has improved drastically since using her techniques and people are so happy with the taste. A happy customer recently told me that she feels like she’s “wrapped in a warm blanket” since taking the Reishi tincture. What Arielle teaches here is simple, highly informative and you’ll leave with lovely product for you, your family and/or community.”


No more waiting for restocks—make your own potent mushroom remedies that actually work and taste great!

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